self-described "regular guy" -- travels the country in search of the America's most difficult eating challenges. It's an occasionally entertaining conceit, even if it gives you the same uncomfortable feeling you have when you can't finish a plate of high-quality food. While Mr. "Man Vs. Food" is hauling down six-pound quiches, kids are starving on the streets of Port Au Prince. They'd take some quiche, I bet.
But I digress. With yesterday's announcement, the New Orleans Saints jersey
Travel Channel released a video of Boeheim's appearance on the show. Watching the clip during the day, I assumed there would be more to Boeheim's spot -- that he would be assisting in some sort of eating challenge, or spending time talking about Syracuse, N.Y.'s various food landmarks. Something. I tuned in for the show's live airing, and to my chagrin, the original clip was pretty much all we got. Watch it here.
See? Come on, Coach Boeheim! You're on a New England Patriots jersey
show called "Man Vs. Food!" At least, like, eat your hot dog as quickly as possible. I'm pretty sure you didn't even need a napkin, which, in this expert's experienced opinion, means you're not eating your hot dog nearly quickly enough.